FMSS Bilişim ve Patika iş birliğiyle gerçekleşen Android Kotlin Bootcamp programında eğitmen ve mentor olarak görev aldım.
Eğitim İçeriği
Ağustos – Ekim
Hafta 1
- Git Basic
- Meta-talk on the Bootcamp and Expectations
- Kotlin Language Recap
- Android Studio Orientation
- Anatomy of an Android Project
Hafta 2
- Views in Android
- Finding Views and Manipulating Them
- Working with Different Layouts
- Activities and Activity Lifecycle
- Working with multiple Activities
- Transferring a screen from Zeplin into an Android app (Signup screen)
Hafta 3
- Fragments
- Multi-activity vs Single-activity
- Navigation Component
- Moving to a Fragment based structure and adding navigation
- RecyclerView
- Creating a list screen and a detail screen and transferring data in between
Hafta 4
- Recap of how HTTP Request / Response architecture works
- Basic Retrofit setup and usage with callbacks
- Adding an interceptor to handle JWT Auth
- Using shared preferences to store simple data
- Using Retrofit to integrate login API
- Using Retrofit to fill our product list
- Dependency Injection
Hafta 5
- ViewModel and LiveData
- DataBinding
- Refactor whole app into MVVM architecture + DataBinding
Hafta 6
- Parallelism and Concurrency in Computers
- Processes and Threads
- Different solutions: Callbacks, RxJava, Coroutines
- Refactor app to use Coroutines with Retrofit
- What’s next and available resources
Hafta 7
- Example Applications